Requirements are as follows:
• Full and part-time J.D. and LL.M. students are eligible. • Any original paper concerning federal taxation between 20-50 double spaced pages is welcome. • Seminar papers and articles submitted (but not yet selected for publication) to law reviews, journals, or other competitions are eligible. Winning authors receive $2000 (first place) or $1000 (second place) and a trip to the FBA’s Annual Tax Law Conference in Washington, D.C. The winning entries may be published in the Tax Section newsletter the Report or in The Federal Lawyer. Deadline is January 7, 2013 Entries may be submitted by email to Sherwin Valerio at [email protected] or by mail to: Federal Bar Association Section on Taxation Attn: Donald C. Alexander Tax Law Writing Competition 1220 N. Fillmore Str. Suite 444 Arlington, VA 22201
IT-Lex, a new technology law educational and literary not-for-profit, is seeking submissions for its inaugural writing competition, which is currently underway! Write about any issue within the areas of electronic discovery, privacy, social media, security, or wherever your technology interests lie. Your 10-15 journal page (approximately
5,000-7,500 word) papers will be read by a distinguished panel of articles editors, and the top three entries are guaranteed publication in the IT-Lex Journal, though other meritorious papers may also be published. Entries must be submitted online at our website (URL below) by February 1, 2013. Oh, and did we mention the cash prizes? First place will receive $5,000.00, second place $1,000.00 and third place $500.00. Plus, the winners will receive invitations to become Members of IT-Lex and to join the IT-Lex Law Review. Head over to, sign up to be our Friend – it’s free – and check out the full rules and requirements at Eligible students are invited to submit a business or securities law-related article in law review format to the Journal of Business & Securities Law at [email protected] by January 7th, 2013. The winner will receive a $500 prize and guaranteed publication in the Journal’s spring issue. Please see attachment for details. All inquiries and questions should be directed to: Zach Brown - [email protected]. The ABA Business Law Section is sponsoring its 27th annual Mendes Hershman Student Writing Contest to encourage and reward law student writings on a business law subject of general and current interest.
All winners will also be invited and subsidized to attend the Section Spring Meeting, April 4-6, 2013 in Washington, DC to receive their award at the Section Luncheon. Papers will be judged on research and analysis, choice of topic, writing style, originality, and contribution to the current literature available on the topic. Papers submitted are normally 20-30 pages long, but should not exceed 100 pages of double-spaced typed text, including footnotes. Students need not be members of the Business Law Section to participate. All entries must be submitted electronically on or before January 11, 2013. Click here to download a cover form to be included with your entry. For more information go to Call for Student Articles to Become an IEL Hartrick Scholar for 2013 the IEL Hartrick Scholar Writing Competition
The Institute for Energy Law of The Center for American and International Law announces its 2013 Hartrick Scholar writing competition. All eligible students are invited to participate. Eligible Students and Topics: Students enrolled in law school as of December 2012, and seeking a juris doctor degree, are eligible to submit an article for consideration in the IEL Hartrick Scholar competition. The general subject for this year’s competition is any topic related to energy development. This includes, for example, topics concerning oil and gas law, alternative energy resources, energy regulation, and environmental regulation of the energy industries. The article can be any work prepared by the student while enrolled in law school and can include prior works prepared for law journal or a law school course, so long as the submitted version complies with the submission guidelines. The Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee will select one or more outstanding submissions that they deem worthy of recognition. Submission Guidelines: The article must be submitted to the Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee, at the address listed below, on or before January 15, 2013. The article should not exceed 8,000 words including footnotes (this approximates 40 double-spaced pages of text and footnotes or 25 printed pages). Footnotes should be in Blue Book format and placed at the bottom of the page where the footnoted text appears. The article should be submitted in pdf or hard copy accompanied by a cover email message or letter that contains the following information: (1) the title of your article; (2) the law school where you are currently enrolled; (3) your mailing address; (4) your telephone number; and (5) your email address. The article should not contain your name, law school, or any other identifying information. Selection of the 2013 Hartrick Scholar(s): The Hartrick Scholar(s) selected by the Judging Committee will be notified on February 15, 2013. The Scholar(s) will receive a $2,500 cash award at the Institute for Energy Law’s 64th Annual Oil & Gas Law Conference to be held February 21-22, 2013, in Houston, Texas. The Hartrick Scholar(s) also will be recognized for their work at the Career Paths For Young Attorneys in the Energy Sector Symposium to be held on March 1-2, 2013 at The University of Tulsa College of Law. Selection as a Hartrick Scholar includes, in addition to the $2,500 cash award, the cost of travel to attend the Conference in Houston and the Symposium in Tulsa. Submit articles and questions to: Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee Lilly Hogarth, Project Manager ATTN: David B. Winn, Director Institute for Energy Law Institute for Energy Law +1 (972) 244-3424 The Center for American and International Law [email protected] 5201 Democracy Drive Plano, Texas 75024-3561 [email protected] For the 2013 contest, writers should address the question, "Is Democracy for Sale?"
Any student currently enrolled in an accredited American law school may enroll in the contest. Each entry must be submitted through a faculty advisor. All entrants must fill out and submit an intent-to-enter form by January 31, 2013 (see link at bottom of page) and mail, fax or e-mail it to: Hogan/Smoger Access to Justice Essay Contest, Public Justice Foundation, Attention: Cassandra Goings, 1825 K St. NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20006. Fax: 202-232-7203. E-mail: [email protected]. DEADLINE Essays must be received by March 31, 2013. ELIGIBILITY OF ESSAY If the essay is prepared for academic credit, it is eligible only if submitted for credit during the 2012-13 academic year. If the essay was neither prepared nor submitted for academic credit, it is eligible only if prepared for this contest during the 2012-13 academic year. If the essay was prepared as part of paid legal work outside of law school, it is not eligible for this contest. ABSTRACT Students must also submit an abstract (limited to 100 words) describing the paper. Please include name, address, law school and phone number on the abstract. The author's name and law school must NOT appear anywhere in the essay other than on the cover page and abstract. SUBMISSION Applicants must submit both hard copy and electronic copy of the essay and the abstract. A hard copy and a burned CD containing the essay and the abstract in Microsoft Word or WordPerfect format should be mailed to Public Justice at the aforementioned address. The pages of the hard copy must be firmly fastened together with a cover page containing the following information:
Essays must not exceed 50 pages of 8½ by 11-inch paper, double-spaced, excluding footnotes. AUTHORSHIP Essays must have only one author. Joint essays will not be accepted. PUBLICATION RIGHTS Essays will not be returned to the authors, and the judges' comments and evaluations will not be provided to the applicants. Public Justice reserves the non-exclusive right to publish in hard-copy all or part of the essay or abstract at its discretion. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN PUBLIC JUSTICE AND THE APPLICANTS Any questions, clarifications, or requests from the applicant should be communicated to Cassandra Goings at 202-797-8600 or [email protected]. Please indicate "Access to Justice Essay Contest" in the subject line of your e-mail. And thank you! Intent-to-Enter Form REGISTER by NOVEMBER 16 FOR EARLYBIRD CONFERENCE RATE
HOTEL DEADLINE NOVEMBER 8 The ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security; the Center for National Security Law at the University of Virginia School of Law; the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security at Duke University School of Law; and the Center on National Security and the Law at Georgetown Law,proudly announce the “22nd Annual Review of the Field of National Security Law Conference” -- Thursday and Friday, November 29 and 30, 2012, in Salons I and II, Ballroom Level, of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, 1150 22nd Street, NW in Washington, DC. In celebration of the ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security’s 50th anniversary, this year’s conference will feature several panels focusing on a range of pertinent and timely national security law issues. Topics will include the Role of the Courts in National Security Law: Past, Present and Future; Intelligence Law Developments; Emerging Technologies; National Security and International Law; The Law of Armed Conflict; Human Rights and National Security Law Issues and Ethical Dilemmas Facing Lawyers Practicing National Security Law will round out theConference Program. Former Director of both the Central Intelligence Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Honorable William H. Webster, is confirmed to deliver the dinner keynote address on Thursday, November 29. Georgetown Professor of National Security Law and former Acting Solicitor General of the U.S., Neal Katyal, will deliver the Friday lunch keynote address. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Dinner, Thursday, November 29: The Honorable William H. Webster, Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency & FBI Lunch, Thursday, November 29: The Honorable Susan E. Collins*, United States Senator Lunch, Friday, November 30: Professor Neal K. Katyal, Paul and Patricia Saunders Professor of National Security Law, Georgetown Law Join other conference registrants at the Opening Reception on Wednesday, November 28. We are pleased to again join with the Bar Association of the District of Columbia in organizing this complimentary welcoming reception and program entitled, “Practitioners’ Guide to National Security Media Leaks.” Please RSVP to the opening reception separately - [email protected]. CLE Credit application has been made, including ethics credit. Letter of Invitation Opening Reception (Wednesday, November 28) Conference Program Registration Form Online Registration |
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